Friday, November 27, 2009

Making the compost heap a houseplant-free zone

Hi everybody,
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! I just wanted to drop a line regarding the compost pile... I've had a back-and-forth going with someone moving two houseplants from the trash to the compost, I put it back in the trash, etc. Can we please be sure to keep houseplants out?? As far as I know there are no organic houseplants, and even if we get them at crunchy garden stores, they've probably been sprayed. The fertilizer we used in my greenhouse is bright blue, just to give you an idea. Anyway, this way we can keep our organic vegetable farm organic. Thanks. I hope you are all cozied up with a leftover turkey sandwich.


  1. I seem to remember burying a house plant or two in the pile last time. I just didn't think of this at the time. Do you think we should take it/them out?

  2. I grabbed the two I saw and threw them in the dumpster (which does, indeed, feel wrong... maybe I can ask my teacher about a better alternative), but if there are any more, it'd probably be good to get them out, esp before snow. unless it's a really, really nasty job. i wouldn't wish that on anyone.

  3. I got one out of there and I'm pretty sure that's it. I also found a yellow tape measure machine in the garden, so I put it in the shed with the other tools.
