Monday, November 16, 2009

Little Bulbie Babies

[do you think we can get our garlic bulbs to wear straw hats?]

Hey neighbros,

I am so excited, today I finally got my garlic order via the postal service. I love supporting this place in PA (D. Landreth! The oldest seed co. since 1780something or other) but it took over a month, and I think they think I'm scamming them. Anyway...

T and I plan on planting bulbs on Saturday. Anyone have garlic they want to plant? Anyone want to join us? We will be there if you need us. If you want to plant garlic in a certain area but haven't bought it yet, please let me know which spot I should avoid planting, and I will reserve it for your bounty. I got all hardneck varieties, so get ready for mad garlic scapes. mmmmm


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