Thursday, October 1, 2009

Compost Direction

So, I have some compost questions. Can/should we put non-recyclable paper in compost like egg cartons? Also matt you mentioned bones but no meat, is there anything else we can add that's not veg scraps. Can oils go in? example: leftover salad with dressing. Can grains go in? I'm used to food service composting and almost everything can go in and I always thought home ones could only get veg scraps, so I need direction. BTW I love the compost!!!


  1. Any printed paper is no good: so, no egg cartons. But those fruit/berry cartons, tea bags, coffee filters and such are good.

    Vegetable oils seem to be OK in small amounts. So, salad dressing = yes, but deep fryer oil = no.

    Grains are great! Ashes and untreated sawdust are good.

    Obviously, no plastic. So everyone please try to remove the stickers on fruit, ties on vegetables, etc.

    Compost 4EVA!

  2. I hearby nominate Matt for the title of Dr. Compost.

  3. Is that a tenure-track position?
